Updated Reviews
My two volumes of poetry, Mad Crazy Love: Love Poems and Mad Songs, and Ladder of Words, both published in 2011, were reviewed by noted psychohistorian Howard F. Stein, in the psychohistory journal Clio's Psyche, Volume 19, Number 3, December 2012, in an essay called "Poetry and Psychohistory". He says, "The two recent books of poetry by Molofsky would, for my taste, make for wonderful preparation for a psychohistorian who is studying American culture today, the past 60 years of American life, or the sense of place in New York City or in one's own body. As I read these often raw, emotionally demanding poems, I find my imagination as well as my intellect engaged in fathoming the times, places, relationships, and feelings Molofsky writes about.... For the reader who wants to feast upon good contemporary poetry, I recommend these two books" (pp. 344-345).
Also, in the December 2012 issue of the online journal Other/Wise, Volume 9, Canadian psychoanalyst Oren Gozlan offers an article, "Ordinary Response to Enigma: Reflection on Merle Molofsky's 'Vin Ordinaire' ". Go to www.ifpe.org, and on the home page, click the link to Other/Wise to read the article. His article discusses my short story, "Vin Ordinaire", which was published in the August 2012 issue of the online journal Moondance. The story can can be found at www.moondance.org